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Stark Future svarer på meldingen om ny el-supportklasse

Forleden meldte Infront Moto Racing og FIM ud, at man planlægger at tilføje en elektrisk supportklasse til VM fra 2026. Vi berettede endvidere om, at det måske kan virke som et forsøg på at imødekomme udviklingen, men at det i realiteten var et træk der sendte især Stark Futures drømme om at deltage på lige fod med andre maskiner, til hjørne for en rum tid. For på den måde, går der en del år, før elektriske cykler i MXGP eller MX2 kan komme på tale, selvom det på papiret virker som et tiltag der skal inkludere cyklerne.

Vi gættede også på at Stark Future nok ikke ville blive begejstrede, og nu er der så kommet et svar fra producenten af de elektriske crosscykler. Og ganske som forventet, så appellerer den til FIM og Infront, om at genoverveje deres strategi. Man vil nemlig gerne have tilladelse til at køre med i de etablerede VM-klasser allerede nu, og i det store hele opfordrer man til at droppe ideen om en separat klasse, for i stedet at arbejde for at maskinerne kan køre med i MXGP og MX2 nu og her.

Om der kommer en reaktion fra folkene bag MXGP, bliver spændende at se. Eller om Stark Future er nødt til at ændre status quo, ved for eksempel at sponsorere VM, for at få deres opfordring igennem. Spørgsmålene er mange.

Du kan læse hele pressemeddelelsen herunder:

Following numerous questions, comments, and opinions, Stark Future would like to offer its take on the recent Press Conference held at VILLA LA ANGOSTURA (Argentina) on 8th March 2024, during the first MXGP event of the season.

Stark Future, a prominent innovator in motocross, firmly opposes MXGP/ Infront’s proposal to introduce a separate Electric Support Class alongside MXGP events. While recognizing the goal of driving technological advancements, Stark Future believes that segregation is not the solution. Instead, seeing integration as an opportunity for all sides to thrive. By embracing new technologies at the highest level of racing, Stark Future envisions making racing more captivating for fans while fostering the strongest technological improvements across the board.

With a commitment to pushing the boundaries of motocross performance and innovation, Stark Future firmly believes in true competition and integration, where the fastest machines go head-to-head, driving innovation and pushing the sport to new heights. The vision of Stark Future is to build the fastest motocross bike in the world and demonstrate that Electric is not a compromise but a formidable contender.

Stark Future understands The creation of a separate class for electric bikes, as proposed by MXGP, compromises the essence of competition and risks stifling progress. Instead of fostering innovation, this approach fragments the championship and dilutes the level of competition. Stark Future advocates for the integration of electric bikes into the existing MXGP grid framework, which would promote innovation and benefit the broader motocross community while offering better viewing figures for MXGP programs.

Stark Future recognizes the importance of innovation in the future of motocross. Integrating electric bikes into MXGP would revitalize innovation within the sport and address challenges such as noise pollution, maintenance costs, and accessibility.

In conclusion, Stark Future urges MXGP/ Infront to reconsider the proposal for a separate Electric Support Class and explore avenues to seamlessly integrate Electric bikes into MXGP and MX2 grids. Stark Future is ready to embrace this challenge, and invites industry stakeholders to join in promoting innovation and ensuring that motocross continues to thrive for generations to come.


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